Monday, August 13, 2012


It's beginning to sink in, I'M AN AUTHOR!  Now in the process of producing my third children's book, I realize I'm finally doing what I was born to do...WRITE.  I always had trouble trying to say what I thought or felt.  It was so much easier to effectivelly pen my words.  In college, I always received A+s in my writing courses.  In my teaching career, I excelled in written communications.  Because it was so easy, I just kept putting off being an author.  Anybody could write so what's the big deal?  But that's not true.  Yes, everybody can write, but not everybody can write creatively and with conviction.  And those of us who do are known as "authors". 

Everyday, when I check my book ratings (determined by the amount of sales per day), I'm pleasantly surprised to see that they either haven't dropped or continue to climb.  People actually pay to read what I have written.  Astonishing!  But it's not about the money; believe me, unless you reach the pinnacle of Dr. Seuss success, your earnings are meager.  However, it is about becoming who you were meant to be.  It has taken me a lifetime to realize this; my hope for any of you reading this is that you will come to that conclusion long before I did.  Don't waste your time chasing something that doesn't fulfill your passion.  Let go of parental, societal, and yes, even your own expectations that prevent you from reaching your preordained self-actualization.

BECOME who you are!  BECOME who you were always meant to be!  BECOME your self!


  1. Stephen King once said that as soon as someone pays you for a single word, you're an author.

    I'd disagree with you about one thing. There is nothing astonishing about it. You write good books and people pay for them. It happens everyday. I find it astonishing that people think that kind of stuff only happens to other people.

    Every author on Amazon or publishing for the Big 6 started just like you. Remember that ;)

    Congrats, Grammy Flo. I'm so happy for you.

