Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14th Declared, "DIGITAL BOOK DAY"

Normally I don't promote authors or books on my Monday blog. Although tempted, I never promoted my own books on this site save for the widgets you see flashing on the right of the page. But today I'm going to make an exception.

C.J. Lyons, a New York Times Best Seller, has declared Monday, July 14, as DIGITAL BOOK DAY! C.J has gathered notable authors from around the world to contribute their writings for free as a way of giving back to the millions of supporters who value good literature. I find her efforts to be extremely generous. The time she's spent in creating and promoting this event, the glitches she's had to overcome, and the continued advice she's given to neophytes like myself are to be highly commended.

C.J. Lyons is a selfless woman who is interested in showing society that reading is essential to both the young and the old and everybody in between. Children who first begin to read are elated; their feelings of accomplishment, independence, and creativity soar to highs they've never before experienced.

The elderly gravitate to books, magazines, and newspapers as a way of staying in touch with the ever-changing world. I know many seniors who have or who are about to lose their eyesight, and the first thing they express sorrow over is that they can't or won't be able to read. Luckily there are volunteers who faithfully visit these folks to do just that for them.  Audio books are the best innovations since sliced bread as far as they're concerned.

As for the in-betweeners, so many are caught up in the zillions of modern technological gadgets that they overlook the value of a good book. Hopefully through the efforts of dedicated people like C.J. Lyons, they'll realize the error of their ways and return to that which replenishes the mind and excites the soul. is the place to go today. Again, all offerings are #FREE. This site was experiencing overload earlier because of the number of people trying to gain access. I understand that the problem is currently being investigated and should be resolved shortly.  Keep on trying. Your rewards far outweigh any bumps you might have to endure for the time being.

Hats off to C.J. Lyons.  Tons of authors and readers are forever in your debt, C.J. myself being one of them!

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