First let me say that this post is in no way connected with a particular company or ad campaign. I included the instructions below to merely provide info, nothing more.
I'm at the stage in my life where thinking about my passing pops up now and then in thought and/or discussion. I'm certain I do not want to have a viewing where folks come, exclaim how I really don't look like myself, (after all, I'll be dead so what would you expect, a glowing, energetic corpse?), shed a tear, say a prayer, and then drop me six feet into the hard, cold ground! Gee, thanks, guys!
For years I've entertained the thought of being cremated and having my ashes sprinkled in the ocean from the Sandbridge, VA. shore. Then I happened upon a bios urn on FB. After reading about how it works, I knew this was for me. Having my ashes converted into a living tree that perhaps for hundreds of years would provide shade, rest, and beauty to so many would be my way of staying alive and continuing to serve others.
Since I love trees, and have planted more than a few in my time, I figure this method of dispersing my remains is perfect. The only glitch would be as to where to place the 'me tree'. I don't think I want it in my backyard since others would soon buy our home, and have no connection to it's familial value, to them it would be a plain old tree.
Having three adult children with families and homes of their own, I'd be more comfortable with one of them, however I wonder if they'd fight over me, the tree. Two are in the Carolinas, one in Ohio. I guess it would be up to me to stipulate which lucky family would receive my living memorial. I could consider my first born, Joy, but she and her hubby plan to sell their home and travel once their kids are gone. Again I'd be among strangers who have no real connection with that tree in the front of the house blocking their view of the comings and goings of the neighbors. They'd probably chop me down a.s.a.p!
Then there's my son, Barry. Although I think he'll stay in his home, he's kind of a fuss budget with the landscaping around his place. There's already a tree in the front, and a bunch of them in the backyard. All are mature and thriving in the Carolina sun so I'm pretty certain he'd be opposed to removing any of them to plant a seedling that may or may not survive in the south.
Lastly, Kristy, my youngest, and the mother of three rowdy boys, will probably be my best bet. She enjoys gardening to a degree, and fortunately for me, her backyard is devoid of much in the way of bushes and trees. My me tree would go nicely there, and as my branches grow wide and strong, her sons will have a natural jungle gym to climb up, jump from, and disappear into its foliage when their dad is looking for somebody to clean the garage.
The only part of my plan yet to be determined is as to what kind of tree I'll be. I'm thinking decorative plum or pear. I don't know how well these types grow in the south, so I'll have to do some research.
Hopefully I have plenty of time to decide, but I'm going to hope on it soon since none of us are promised a new tomorrow!
How it Works
Step 1: Purchase Your Living Urn® and Select Your Seedling (or baby tree)
(or purchase the version of The Living Urn® without a seedling and simply pick up your favorite tree seedling, plant, or flowers at your local nursery)

Step 2: After you receive The Living Urn®, fill the Bio Urn with the cremated remains of your loved one (or, if you don't feel comfortable doing that, have your funeral home or crematorium (or veterinarian for pets) fill the Bio Urn with the remains)
Step 3: When your tree seedling arrives, follow the planting instructions provided with The Living Urn® to plant a living memory (or click here for an online version)
...pour our proprietary RootProtect™ ash neutralizing agent on top of the cremated remains; then, place the soil mix and wood chips on top of the neutralizing agent

...and plant - it's that simple!
A beautiful memory tree will then grow and keep your beloved family member's memory present in your life!
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