Monday, May 21, 2018

The Myth of Meditation

Some folks shutter at the mere mention of the word, 'meditation'. They conjure up images of ancient prophets, sitting cross-legged in the barren desert, with eyes shut and soul apparently traversing another world. These misguided people truly believe meditation is beyond their capabilities, and are unwilling to take that first step towards centering themselves. Hence, the myth of meditation.

'Centering oneself' is a functional definition for meditation, and we all can do it! There is no mystical power needed to collect your physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional being. First find a quiet, peaceful place where there is little chance of disturbance. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, taking in air through your nostrils and releasing it through your mouth. Practice will enable you to breath more deeply, which is key to the centering process.

Next clear your mind of superfluous thought. In other words, seek to free yourself of everything and anything that can disrupt meditation. Again, as you continue to practice, it will become easier and easier to ban unwanted thinking.

From this point, what you choose to concentrate on is personal, but I'm more than happy to share my own channels with you. I begin by calling on the Creator, the Life Force to hover over me. I ask that this energy penetrate my skull and seep deep into my brain, harmonizing each cell so that they work in sync with one another, creating balance. Don't panic! This initial effort may seem difficult at first, but after a few attempts it becomes second nature to you. I promise.

As I continue the centering process, I invite the Life Force to enter into every part of my self, filling me with renewed energy to face whatever challenges the day may bring. During this time, there is a warmth that washes over me, providing a sense of peace and well-being.

Nearing the completion of my meditation, I ask that all that is detrimental to my body and soul be released into the atmosphere and evaporate into thin air. Lastly I again focus on my breathing, and when ready, I open my eyes.

There you have it, folks! Call it what you want, 'prayer', 'centering', 'meditation', but whatever name you choose, hopefully I've dispelled the myth of meditation. You can do it, and once you begin, I believe your lives will take on a more positive, peaceful existence.  I know centering has had a huge impact on my own.

Blessings and Peace!

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