Well I've finally done it and I must tell you, it wasn't as easy as you might think. It took me about eight hours non-stop to create it and then another four or so to develop the necessary sign up form. I was so frustrated at one point, I emailed MailChimp and told them their process was so stressful, I was close to canceling my account. Luckily for me, the guys there allowed me to vent, and then gently brought me back to a state of sanity that is normal for me.
SIGNUP FORM FOR Grammy's Mind Matters NEWSFLASH: http://eepurl.com/bfCp6f
SIGNUP FORM FOR Grammy's Mind Matters NEWSFLASH: http://eepurl.com/bfCp6f
So what is it that I've done, and what is it that led me to the brink of sheer madness? A monthly newsletter to inform and entertain you, that's what! Grammy's Mind Matters NEWSFLASH, which debuted on February 28th, in my opinion, is a delightful compilation of ethnic recipes, special book offers, and my blog posts, past and present, that you've read and enjoyed since I started in 2012. I'm very proud of it, and hope you will subscribe and follow it from month to month. I promise you won't be disappointed.
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https://www.pinterest.com /flogrammysgang/breads-biscuits- donuts-muffins-rolls/ |
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http://www.amazon.com/ Puppy-Love-When-Were-Kids- ebook/dp/B00KMWIKO4/ref =la_B008DF4EE2_1_8_ title_ 0_mains=books&ie=UTF8 &qid=1425314226&sr=1-8 |
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http://www.amazon.com/Dirty -Face-Liam-Grammys-Gang-ebook /dp/B008TW134I/ref=la_B0 08DF4EE2_1_2_title_1_ kin?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid =1426010575&sr=1-2 |
'SMARTEST, BESTEST PERSON IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD' is the blog post that rounds out the first edition of NEWSFLASH. I wrote it on January 6, 2014. My grandson, Liam, was trying to tell his mom about the Magi, and what gifts they brought the New Born King. He knew one of them started like 'Frank' but couldn't remember the exact word. My daughter suggested he call Papap, my hubby, since according to her he knew everything pertaining to religion. Do you think you know who the smartest, bestest person is? Well return to that blog post and find out. You might be surprised. 'Dirty Face Liam' is also 0.99.
http://grammysgangbooks.blogspot.com/2014/01/smartest-bestest- person-in-whole-wide.html
Let me just say that Grammy always has something on her mind, AND IT MATTERS!
Let me just say that Grammy always has something on her mind, AND IT MATTERS!
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